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Japanese crossword «Grim Reaper»

Size: 31x45Picture:5/10Difficulty:4/10Added:02.12.16Author: Deas07ua

Palouday (10 December 2016, 20:49) complain
For the longest time I was thinking maybe a fire hydrant. NOT!
Christiana_Bradshaw (20 January 2017, 5:33) complain
I thought that, too!
lee41288 (24 May 2017, 16:56) complain
For as much black area as there is in this picture, it still presented a nice challenge, and definitely an unexpected result.
Guest: Natalie (7 January 2018, 9:48) complain
Lot of black, but it had me fooled. I was thinking hydrant or maybe rocket of some kind. Good job.
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