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Japanese crossword «Argo»

Size: 50x32Picture:8/10Difficulty:4/10Added:01.11.16Author: Irina-belko61

froghopper (21 May 2017, 4:35) complain
Summoning Athena Tritogeneia, she ordered the goddess to build the first ship out of wood, the first to pierce the salty deep with its wooden oars, the first to disturb the sea with its passage.
deborah (13 June 2017, 3:54) complain
Well done!
Christiana_Bradshaw (1 February 2018, 14:51) complain
Oh, wow, well done!
OSHER (8 December 2019, 9:45) complain
It was fun to solve the crossword puzzle.
It was special.
Thank you
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