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Japanese crossword «Skateboarder»

Size: 20x30Picture:7/10Difficulty:4/10Added:11.09.16Author: KsandReaL

Christiana_Bradshaw (29 December 2017, 6:36) complain
Nicely done!
Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt (19 August 2018, 17:50) complain
Was sure it was going to be a duckling in a pond until very near the end. Well done.
halemates (13 August 2020, 23:08) complain
Just brilliant! Perfect balance too, in more ways than one. Thank you x
Celandine (7 May 2021, 17:31) complain
So fun to solve - there was an unusual flow to it. Good picture
munkin (27 July 2023, 22:53) complain
Really thought this was an angel looking down off of his cloud -- but after I saw the title, that image became clear and it's harder to see my angel now.
LunaLuvsYa (5 July 2024, 21:04) complain
Thought it was going to be a baseball pitcher. I'm still not completely convinced that it's not.
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